Could New Leadership in the House and Senate Help Oklahoma Sports Betting Push?

Dan Favale
By , Updated on: Dec 4, 2024 12:00 AM
Can new leadership in the House of Representatives and Senate fast track the push to legalize Oklahoma sports betting next year?

Nobody quite knows what to make of the push for Oklahoma sports betting legalization entering 2025 legislative sessions.

If anything, the prevailing consensus leans toward pessimism. Multiple attempts to legalize sports betting in Oklahoma have failed. The root cause, it seems, is a shaky dynamic between the state’s tribes and Governor Kevin Stitt. Without any reports of an improved relationship, should we expect the next time around to be any different?

The answer is likely no. And yet, things in The Sooner State are not entirely unchanged. Following the latest election cycle, there are new leaders in the House of Representatives and Senate. Could this possibly be enough to shift the tenor of discussions on Oklahoma sports betting?

Tribes are Ready for the Legalization of Oklahoma Sports Betting

Chairman of the Oklahoma Indian Gaming Association Matthew Morgan recently spoke with Michael Dekker of Tulsa World. He makes it clear that the tribes are “ready” for Oklahoma sports betting legalization

He also highlighted the change in leadership when asked about the chances of this next debate unfolding any differently. From Dekker:

“This year and last, bills to [legalize Oklahoma sports betting] have died in legislative committees and have not been taken up by either the full House or the full Senate. Many observers have cited ongoing conflicts between Gov. Kevin Stitt and tribal leaders as a reason a bill legalizing sports betting has not yet been seriously considered in the Legislature, despite Oklahoma’s having more than 140 casinos. [Morgan] said he wasn’t sure about the prospects for legal sports betting this upcoming legislative session, but he pointed out that there is new leadership in both the Oklahoma Senate and the House. ‘I think it will depend on a lot of discussions and what their priorities are,’ Morgan said.”

The leadership changes Morgan references were made official by the state legislature in the middle of November. Senate Democratic Leader Kay Floyd announced that after six years in her post, Democratic Senator Julia Kirt from Oklahoma City is taking up the mantle. On top of that, Democratic Senator Michael Brooks of Oklahoma is succeeding Democratic Senator Kevin Matthews of Tulsa as the caucus’ chair.

Not much is known about the Oklahoma sports betting stances for Senator Matthews and Senator Kirt. But if they view it as a top priority, they are among those with the influence to ensure prominent discussions take place.

The Legalization of Missouri Sports Betting Could Impact Oklahoma Discussions

Aside from changes in leadership, the legalization of sports betting in Missouri looms as another big factor. Voters (narrowly) approved Amendment 2 during last month’s elections. The measure calls for the legalization of online sports betting in Missouri and stipulates a rollout date no later than December 2025.

Oklahoma is now surrounded by states with legal sports betting. Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico and, now, Missouri will all offer some form of sports betting in the next year. The state of the Texas is the lone exception. And technically speaking, they can even legalize sports betting in 2025.

This will be a big deal among policymakers. Oklahomans are already betting on sports. That is just a fact. The rise of sports betting in the United States has afforded them plenty of access outside The Sooner State. They are no doubt capitalizing on it. In all likelihood, the absence of Oklahoma sports betting is costing the state millions, if not tens of millions of dollars, in potential tax revenue each year.

Adding another market who can offer sports betting to Oklahomans may prompt supporting lawmakers to more aggressively push the issue. This, of course, raises the questions: What does that accomplish?

The Future of Oklahoma Sports Gambling Rests with the Tribes

Elevating the Oklahoma sports wagering agenda inside the House and Senate ultimately may not do much if tribes aren’t board. California is the only state with more tribes in the region. And because they hold exclusive gaming rights, it will be impossible to pass an Oklahoma sports betting bill without their collaboration.

This is where Governor Kevin Stitt has repeatedly failed. His attempts to legalize Oklahoma sports betting have run entirely parallel to the tribes. Where they believe tribes should have exclusive rights to Oklahoma sports betting, he wants online sportsbooks in the United States entering the market. What is more, some years ago, he tried brokering individual gaming compacts with select tribes. That is never going to fly when it puts so many other tribes in the minority.

To that end, Oklahoma sports betting may be doomed to fail until Stitt leaves office or he improves his relationship with the tribes. Failing that, the changes in state legislature leadership must find a way to generate bipartisan support for sports betting in Oklahoma while disinvolving Governor Stitt.

This sounds somewhat reasonable on its face. But going against Stitt does not guarantee success. He carries a ton of influence and has plenty of his own support throughout the House and Senate ranks. If a bill that legalizes Oklahoma sports gambling without online access appears on the table, there may be ample attempts to derail it and/or filibuster. 

More than anything, if Oklahoma is going to legalize sports betting in 2025, it feels like Governor Stitt conceding his position is non-negotiable. The path to success without him changing his position is hard to see. 

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Meet the author

Dan Favale

Dan first began writing about sports back in 2011. At the time, his expertise lied in the NBA and NFL. More than one decade, that remains the case. But he's also expanded his catalog to include extensive knowledge and analysis on the NHL, MLB, tennis, NASCAR, college ba...

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