Idaho Betting News

Are you hoping for Idaho sports betting progress at some point in 2025? Well, do not hold your breath. It doesn't appear to be coming.

Idaho Sports Betting Progress Remains Nonexistent in 2025

Thursday 13 March 07:11 EDT

More than two months into state legislative sessions, the same annual question remains: Will any progress, at all, be made on Idaho sports betting? The answer, of course, is in […]
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With Idaho sports betting still nowhere near legalization, a recent article in the Idaho Capital Sun takes an extensive look at why.

Consumer Risk at the Heart of Idaho Sports Betting Opposition

Wednesday 12 February - 06:43 EST

Nearly seven years removed from the Supreme Court of the United States overturning the Professional ...
The legalization of Idaho sports betting already loomed as a long shot moving forward. Now, it’s starting to feel further away than ever before.

The Road to Legal Idaho Sports Betting is Getting Progressively Rockier

Thursday 09 January - 02:55 EST

As we navigate the early portions of 2025, the Idaho sports betting outlook remains stuck in stasis....
A massive new casino complex may eventually come to the area around Boise. Could this be a good sign for the future of Idaho sports betting?

Could Push for New Casinos Spark Idaho Sports Betting Interest?

Monday 09 December - 08:26 EST

Could interest in building a massive casino complex near Boise be the vessel through which Idaho spo...
How much could Idaho sports betting be worth to The Gem State each year in tax revenue? The answer may actually surprise you.

How Much Tax Revenue Could Idaho Sports Betting Potentially Be Worth?

Wednesday 27 November - 07:31 EST

Another year is about to pass without the legalization of Idaho sports betting. And many naturally w...
Could the decline of casino revenue in the United States be contributing to the lack of interest in legalizing Idaho sports betting?

Does Declining Casino Revenue Throughout USA Make Idaho Sports Betting Even Less Likely?

Monday 11 November - 05:57 EST

The outlook on Idaho sports betting legalization remains remote.  Policymakers in The Gem State sel...
If you were hoping that 2024 would bring with it a timeline for Idaho sports betting legalization, well, you may want to think again.

All Signs Still Point to Long Wait for Legalization of Idaho Sports Betting

Friday 13 September - 07:56 EDT

The status quo on Idaho sports betting remains the same as ever. Legalization of sports wagering in ...
If Idaho sports betting is ever going to be legalized, The Gem State may have to address a complicated past with legal gambling issues.

A Complicated History with Legal Gambling Could Derail Idaho Sports Betting Outlook

Thursday 15 August - 11:12 EDT

The discussion surrounding Idaho sports betting in 2024 is what it’s been for years. This is to sa...
Horse racing appears to be on the decline The Gem State. Could that prompt actual interest in the legalization of Idaho sports betting?

Could the Decline of Horse Racing Prompt Interest in the Legalization of Idaho Sports Betting?

Friday 19 July - 02:07 EDT

Horse racing interest in the Gem State appears to be on the gradual decline. Is it possible this tre...
We know Idaho sports betting remains a long shot to get legalized anytime soon. But does the Gem State have the bleakest outlook in the USA?

Will Idaho Sports Betting be the Final Frontier for Legal Wagering in the United States?

Wednesday 05 June - 06:27 EDT

Let’s not mince words: The outlook on Idaho sports betting is unknowable at best. And at worst, th...

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