Dan Favale

Dan Favale

Dan first began writing about sports back in 2011. At the time, his expertise lied in the NBA and NFL. More than one decade, that remains the case. But he's also expanded his catalog to include extensive knowledge and analysis on the NHL, MLB, tennis, NASCAR, college basketball, certain esports and, most notably, the sports betting news industry at large. Basketball is Dan's first love—and remains so today. It is still, to this day, the sport he spends the most time writing and talking about. If you're a fan of his work, you've probably seen his work at major publications, heard him speak on his own podcast (Hardwood Knocks) and a multitude of other shows or seen one of his snarky posts on X (formerly Twitter) stumble across your timeline. Capably covering so many sports does sponge up a ton of Dan's brainpower. In his spare time, though, he has taken up amateur bodybuilding—which, if we're being honest, is probably just a fancy way of saying he's a wannabe fitness junkie. Regardless of what he's doing, Dan is bound to have either a podcast or, most importantly, some emo rock playing in the background. He grew up on blink 182, a band he still religiously worships to this day. And in recent years, he's become an avid fan of Youth Fountain and Hot Mulligan—two of the best when it comes to writing and playing sad music that sounds happy.


Dan graduated from St. Joseph's College in New York after initially spending one year in the John Curley Center for Sports Journalist at Pennsylvania University. While that program was nationally renowned, Dan was at the time concerned about how geared towards traditional media it was. Switching specialties from journalism to a general English degree and attending St. Joseph's College ending up serving him well, as it gave him the freedom to develop an online voice and presence that's help keep his career afloat for nearly 15 years.

Professional Achievements

Dan has appeared on numerous sports talk radio shows, livestreams, TV spots and podcasts over the course of his career. He is also the founder of the Hardwood Knocks podcast, which covers the entire NBA and has been around in the mainstream since 2015.

Latest from Dan Favale

The Louisiana sports betting market is enjoying major growth to open up 2025, according to data from the state’s gaming control board.

Louisiana Sports Betting Market Showing Major Growth in 2025


The start of 2025 is bringing great news for the Louisiana sports betting market. According to data released by the Louisiana Gaming Control Board, sports betting in Louisiana is enjoying a massive uptick through the first portion of the calendar year. And the increase is not just isolated to any one area of the industry. […]
Carol Alvarado has filed another bill that would legalize Texas sports betting. But will it be successful, or fail like those before it?

Another Texas Sports Betting Bill Is On The Table, But Will It Actually Pass?


Yet another Texas sports betting bill is officially up for consideration. State Senator Carol Alvarado, a Democrat out of Houston, has filed Senate Joint Resolution 16 (SJR16). If it is successful, it will legalize sports betting in Texas as well as casino gambling. It also creates the Texas Gaming Commission, which would be tasked with […]
Just how much influence does March Madness have over the Kentucky sports betting market? It turns out a whole lot.

March Madness Has a Serious Impact on Kentucky Sports Betting Revenue


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The latest attempt to legalize Georgia sports betting has officially failed. Its flop raises the question: What happens moving forward?

Attempts to Legalize Georgia Sports Betting Fail Again...What Happens Now?


Another attempt to legalize Georgia sports betting has officially failed. Though this outcome is not unexpected, the degree to which it failed has taken some by surprise. In previous years, attempts to legalize sports betting in Georgia at least gained serious traction in the House of Representatives. Problems have typically bubbled to the surface in […]
A spokesperson for the Sports Betting Alliance says North Carolina sports betting legalization has been a ‘universally’ good thing.

Spokesperson Says The Legalization of North Carolina Has Been A 'Universally Good Thing'


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State officials and tribal leaders are reportedly discussing Oklahoma sports betting. Is legalization in The Sooner State now on the horizon?

Tribal Leaders and State Officials are Discussing Oklahoma Sports Betting Possibilities


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Even though Missouri sports betting is officially legal, the path towards a rollout continues to be a major and ambiguous headache.

The Number of Permitted Missouri Sports Betting Licenses Remains in Doubt


The road to the launch of Missouri sports betting continues to be peppered with question marks, twists and turns, and general uncertainty. This…probably should not surprise us. The legalization of sports betting in Missouri has been anything but predictable. First, the actual legalization process required a special course. Bills initially failed to make it out […]
The legalization of Colorado sports betting has reportedly done a whole lot to help the state’s water preservation initiatives.

Colorado Sports Betting Revenue is Helping Protect the State's Most Indispensable 'Resource'


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Las Vegas Wynn Sportsbook


The Wynn Sportsbook Experience There is nothing quite like the Wynn sportsbook experience. Though you are conceding central location on The Strip, you are still close enough to everything—a short car ride away at most. But this doesn't mean you should reserve a room at the Wynn at random. Vegas offers plenty of great places to stay. […]

Venetian Sportsbook Review


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